Retirement savings is a top priority for many savers. Saving now for retirement will ensure that you have enough money to enjoy a comfortable standard of living when you stop or reduce the amount of hours you work. You may be able to save for retirement at your workplace through a 401k plan.
Alternative investments are those that are not part of traditional investments such as publicly-traded stocks, bonds paying a fixed interest rate over a specific period of time, cash-equivalents such as a CD that can easily be converted into cash, or cash itself.
Information Asymmetry
Despite the seemingly endless financial and stock data found online, as an individual investor, you do not have access to in-house technical experts or research analysts. Most investors also do not have sophisticated automated trading systems to provide trading suggestions. Nor are most average investors skilled in technical analysis.
Asymmetric information, also known as "information failure," occurs in a market when one party to a transaction has greater material knowledge than the other party. In markets, insider information can be used to one's advantage, although insider trading is illegal and unethical. Still, professional traders and institutional investors often have an information advantage.
We are a fiduciary agency.
The Investment Advisers Act of 1940 (“Advisers Act”) lays out the two basic fiduciary duties that all investment advisers owe to their clients: the duty of care and the duty of loyalty. An adviser must always serve the best interests of its client and cannot put its own interests ahead of the interests of its client.
Ntare Financial and its agents are paid by their clients and always disclose business relationships between all clients.
We offer the following products to small businesses with less than 100 employees, private groups and clubs with less than 50 members.
Our main services are as listed below:
[Workplace} Financial Management
At NTARE, we offer tools, resources, and experience to help simplify organizing, administering, and measuring independent contractors’ financial plans, as well as communication and education programs to help invest and plan for their future goals.
Small Business Retirement
We work with business owners to manage retirement planning to help level the professional playing field between small businesses and larger companies that offer more complex and expensive benefit plans to their employees, contractors, and support staff.
Group Asset Management
We advise private individuals and families on how to invest their portfolios and plan their finances to meet their financial goals, and typically offer a range of services, including portfolio management, estate and retirement planning, and tax services.
The NTARE private client team welcomes all individuals dealing with complex business, investments, and people who move or have assets between countries.
Our offering to our private clients is shown below
Credit to Homeownership Pipeline
A purchase program providing a comprehensive housing counseling plan with information access to the best mortgage rates, lower down payment, closing costs, mortgage insurance, credit, and always at a below-market, fixed interest rate.
Family Office Management
Our office service handles wealth management for families. We focus on real estate investments mostly but also help diversify investments across other assets, tax planning and business organization for members of the same family.
Estate Planning
We have created a planning process of anticipating and arranging for the management and disposal of a person's estate during the person's life in preparation for a person's future incapacity or death.