Corona Virus Update - Hiring Freeze

President Trump just concluded a special update on the Corona pandemic citing new advances on the spread of the disease. We are hopeful that the federal government agencies involved will be working in over drive to assist small businesses affected by this issue. Politics does not have a place in this dilemma we all face and will only serve to slow down the response to this crisis; hopefully testing will be available to everyone who needs it shortly.

A minute last update from Ntare Consulting is going to be the initiation of a hiring freeze for all the positions that were to start in April 2020. Again, we must emphasize the need to protect each other from the spread of this illness as these positions mainly involved travel and meeting with other small business owners. We value your contribution to our team and will be sure to communicate directly to each affected party on Monday March 16th 2020.

Thank you

Corona VirusNC