Posts in Corona Virus
A year tourism will never forget

Although 2020 presented unforeseen challenges, it also set the stage for reflection and innovation within African tourism. At Ntare Tourism and Travel Services, we remain committed to reshaping the future of travel to Africa by offering customized, meaningful, and sustainable experiences. We aim to remove the barriers of misconception, promote Africa’s extraordinary offerings, and ensure that the continent remains a top destination for tourists worldwide.

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Business Survival during COVID-19 - RECOVERY POSITION

The business environment in this pandemic is very different from the good years. Consumers spend differently or are not spending at all, which forces you to adjust accordingly. If you have read the other recommendations, they are all precursors to this as the hope is that business will return to normal. We believe that once this pandemic is over, business will come back at a roaring pace; only the companies that took big steps to handle the fallback of business, have increased cash on hand or reduced expenses will be in position to handle the demand.

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Business Survival during COVID-19 - INCREASING INCOME

After slicing your expenses and cash outflows, the next step is to increase and speed up the inflow of cash. Like many other businesses, you may be facing plunging revenues so having cash on hand is the best possible way to avoid further collapse of your hard-earned business. These may come as a harder shock than the reduction of expenses; these ideas go against the grain of most business practices but at this time, no business is immune to the downturn.

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Business Survival during COVID-19 - REDUCING EXPENSES

At Ntare Consulting, we believe and have been telling all our clients and friends that as the world stays in place to avoid the spread of COVID-19, there is a worldwide economic slowdown that is affecting EVERYONE. The idea is that once this cloud lifts, the business world is going to jump into action and there will be a huge demand for services; more jobs will be offered and governments around the world will be working tirelessly to reignite their economies. Those smart businesspeople that took the survival tips seriously will be the ones standing and ready to cash in on their solid preparation.

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How Ntare Consulting can help you to apply for the SBA Federal Relief Loans

At Ntare Consulting we have been keeping our ears on the ground and after receiving several calls and emails about how to apply for this loan program, we have structured the Ntare Small Business Loan Application Assistance Service to help you affected by this pandemic. We can help you apply and followup on the loan that can go up to $2 million dollars depending on the SBA criteria.

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Is this a good time to invest in the Stock Market

We understand that this may be a frustrating period but as soon as a cure is developed or a vaccine approved for use, the imminent risk posed by the corona virus will be alleviated and life will slowly start to get to normal. Think long term and avoid the impulse to buy large positions that may not materialize in profits in the short term.

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Keep yourself healthy

As a small business owner, this is a time like no other. You are surely worried about your health but also more about your business. We have compiled some ways that you can manage your money more effectively to save yourself a small headache in the upcoming weeks.

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Corona Virus Update - Hiring Freeze

A minute last update from Ntare Consulting is going to be the initiation of a hiring freeze for all the positions that were to start in April 2020. Again, we must emphasize the need to protect each other from the spread of this illness as these positions mainly involved travel and meeting with other small business owners. We value your contribution to our team and will be sure to communicate directly to each affected party on Monday March 16th 2020.

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Corona Virus Update - Meetings cancelled

We understand the need to be cautious in investing in any new projects and welcome the careful treading our partners are taking; we are therefore letting you know that all the interviews and meetings we had sent you emails about in the following weeks through the end of March 2020 have been cancelled effective Friday, March 13th 2020 4pm.

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Statement on Corona Virus

At Ntare Consulting, the health and well-being of our clients, associates, and community at large is our top priority. We understand the confusion and frustration you may be experiencing surrounding the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and realize the effect it is having on your bottom line. We are committed to being responsive to the your needs as our clients and community at large.

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