Measures your small business can take to combat the spread of COVID-19
A US Foods supplier delivers a package to a C-Store in Dallas, TX on March 24th 2020
Did you know that Italians who dare to breach the COVID-19 lock-down in the virus-stricken country are being warned that if they do so, they could face 21 years in prison?
Those who refuse to self-isolate and instead breach the nationwide lock down already face fines in the hundreds of euros just for doing so. But according to reports in Metro and other outlets, citizens showing virus symptoms, but who refuse to lock themselves away from their neighbors, could face much more serious charges.
In order to avoid such draconian measures in the United States, we all have a responsibility to adhere to strict measures of social distancing and stringent hygienic measures to curb the spread of the COVID-19. We have compiled a few points to help business owners, entrepreneurs and managers in their daily operations.
MOST IMPORTANT IS GET EVERYONE ON THE SAME PAGE. Be open with your employees. Cultivate an attitude of “we’re going to weather this situation together.” Sit down and have a video conference with your employees; pass out a directive or simply find a way to communicate the following information to your employees so that they may all understand the need to have these measures met.
It is important to realize that some employees may not take these measures seriously so it may be necessary to make these issues mandatory and enforced at all cost.. You as a business leader needs to understand that if your store is still open and members of the public can access your facility then your firm could possibly be a transmission hub for this virus. It is your responsibility to keep your employees and the general public safe.
Here are a few key points your firm should be addressing as soon as possible.
1. Talk to your employees.
This is not an economic recession or a downturn in business. This is basically a life or death situation for members of the public and if your business is still open, your business and employees are potential transmitters of this diseases if you are not diligent in your efforts to curb the spread of COVID-19. It is important to hear from your employees and take note of sick individuals; to know which employees can afford to stay home for now or which ones are at the most risk. It is your responsibility to ensure your employees are on the same page in all this.
2. Initiate mandatory social distancing guidelines using floor tape.
It is recommended to stay at least six feet away from each other so that if someone is infected or is carrying the virus, a sneeze or cough or droplets while talking and laughing may not make contact with another person. The most congestion in stores is at the checkout counter so having floor tape to show the correct distance is a very important step in order to keep people and employees apart.
3. Implement a disinfection schedule.
As done with cleaning and bathroom cleaning schedules, a business should have a disinfection schedule while mandatory cleaning is done every hour or two especially of counters, door handles and other high touch point areas in the store. This will curb the spread of the virus and will be sure to help employees and customers feel safer in this period.
4. Use contact less payment and mobile payment systems
COVID-19 is basically transmitted through getting into contact with the virus and unknowingly initiating it into your system through touching your nose, mouth or eyes. It is therefore very important to avoid touching credit cards and money that may have been touched by an infected individual. Creating a method to pay without exchanging cards or money is a big step in curbing this illness and protecting your employees and customers.
5. Provide Gloves and face masks to your employees if you must keep your business open.
At this point, gloves and face masks have been limited as retail of these items is prioritized for hospitals and government agencies directly responding to COVID-19 in the U.S. Home made masks and bandanas can be substituted to achieve a level of confidence in your employees and customers. Gloves that are not medical grade still meet the requirement which is to separate contact of your employees hands on credit cards, money and inventory that may be infected. These can be found at a cheap rate on Amazon.
6. Reducing work hours and number of employees scheduled at the same time.
Some employees have opted to reduce the hours that most members can be in the store or place of employment; this helps to stagger schedules so that there is enough space in the business for social distancing to be implemented.
7. Delivery instead of store purchases with a parking lot delivery option.
As the spread of the virus continues, it may be necessary for members of the public to be prevented from entering the premises. Online sales and shipping methods can be implemented, or delivery can be done in the parking lot to avoid members of the public unknowingly pass on the virus while touching doors and merchandise. Members can either call ahead, order online or call ahead, have payments made electronically and goods delivered in the parking lots.
Good luck!
Ntare Consulting is a consulting firm that works on financial management, government compliance, fiscal planning and business solutions for entities both in the US and Uganda. We are a full-service business solutions firm and we help start new and/or maintain your existing business. Our process is to get with you and understand your business needs to tailor a process that can help you at the lowest cost possible.